Non-toxic candle, What does that mean?
Non-toxic, a word that almost EVERY product claims.
The unfortunate truth is that... its not true
Businesses (large and small) understand marketing and the power of words.
Let's look closer at candles.
Have you ever seen a company advertise "toxic candles"?
Even the well known, (factually toxic), big box candles don't tell you that their candle is full of chemicals and toxins. The focus is always on the scent, or fancy label ...there is never a focus on what matters, the ingredients.
If you are thinking that small candle makers don't do this and only make healthy candles, think again! Even small candlemakers use unhealthy ingredients and are not honest, they just want to make money and SELL candles at any cost.
When profits are the focus, YOU and your health never will be.
How to spot the difference?
Educate yourself. That is the only way to find the truth..or your truth.
Here are my thoughts on non-toxic candles:
Soy wax candles (aka. plant based wax): a marketers dream. How can these be non-toxic when the soy is GMO and full of pesticides? GMO soy is associated with a lot of environmental damage and corruption. Soy is not the best option.
Paraffin wax: A creative and sustainable way to use left over petroleum sludge...but since petroleum is a toxic chemical, then you guessed it paraffin wax is not a good choice.
Both soy and paraffin are often mixed with coconut wax or even beeswax, so they can marketed to the health conscious buyer. No matter what they mix it with, won't change their toxic truth.
Beeswax is my #1 recommendation and choice. Buy local, ethically sourced only. It's important to protect our bees, which means choosing ethical keepers. This wax is from nature...100% natural, not full of chemicals.
Be smart, don't overpay for basic candles....and figure out what level of "toxic" you are willing to bring into your home.
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