Beeswax candles are not equal
Not all beeswax candles are equal
Unfortunately, small candle makers are choosing beeswax blends- these are typically blended with other waxes, additives, stabilizers and undisclosed ingredients.
This is NOT the same as using local pure beeswax and mixing it yourself.
When you buy a candle made with pre-made beeswax, there are two main problems:
1. you don't know where the beeswax comes from and that IS NOT okay, beeswax is a precious resource and we have an obligation to buy only ethical beeswax made from bees that are well cared for and loved
2. there are hidden ingredients in pre-made wax that the manufacturer will not disclose, their recipe is proprietary. They may disclose that there is no soy or paraffin...but they cannot and will not tell you what else is added.
So if you are buying from a candlemaker who isn't showing you videos on how they blend their beeswax, or where the beeswax is coming from...then it's not ethical or worth the buy.
There are so many small candle makers who use local pure beeswax and those are the candles to buy!